Mentorship services for aspiring authors.
— mentorship services —
Are you writing a novel? Are you finding it hard to keep going, unsure if it’s working, disheartened that the words on the page don’t look like the masterpiece in your head? Do you keep polishing the opening chapters? Do you dream of publication but despair of ever getting it finished?
I might be able to help.
Mentorship is a good option if you want another pair of eyes on your manuscript, someone to give you honest and constructive feedback, to show you how you can lift your prose and build pace and momentum so your reader wants to keep turning those pages. It’s tailored for you, but most writers want me to set deadlines, read their material, help them to understand their story and work closely with them to turn that story into its best self. Once your manuscript is as polished and brilliant as you can make it, I can offer support with your submission package.
I specialise in crime, thrillers of all kinds and commercial book club fiction. I’m afraid I can’t help if you’re writing science fiction, children’s fiction, non-fiction, romance, erotica or fantasy. If you want to chat about whether I’d be a good fit, you can message me on Instagram and we can go from there. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.